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Sunday 15 April 2012

i feel fine

the good news is that i am still feeling very well at present, and continue to cope ok with the chemo....of course there are moments and days when i have a wobble - in terms of both health and emotions - but by and large i'm doing much better than we expected....i have learnt not to rest up, but to try and keep going both on the chemo day (thursday) and also on the day after the chemo day, as the sickness and tiredness seems to bother me less if i am otherwise occupied....i do suspect though that by the end if it all i am going to be sick and tired of being sick and tired.....(a joke in the best possible oh well never mind then....!) is still a pleasure and i like still being able to get out and about and feel useful....the income is always welcome too....have ended up buying a lot of new clothes to accommodate my slimline new self....i was entirely fed up of everything being so baggy and collars with four inches to spare....we enjoy our leisure and seeing all our friends and the family....we are loving having the city on our doorstep for a change and all there is on offer....i like walking in the countryside and always enjoy the wildlife...i have treated myself to a new camera with a good zoom lens to get up closer....and of course a good stiff gin and tonic goes down a you see the simple pleasures prevail....i don't think so much about the future but live for each day the best i can....i had the ct scan this week (donut day) and we get the results on the twenty trying not to set too much store by it....whatever will be will be, and by not trying hard to wish it all better i hope i will avoid the pain of a big let down if the news isn't good....we'll also find out then if i get a one week or two week break before the next course of chemo begins in's significant because it's the only time we will be given by the oncologist for a decent holiday away from it all....we are thinking scottish islands at the moment in the happy knowledge that if the midges bite, with all the chemo drug inside me, they will get more than they bargained for....! i see that there have been over five hundred and seventy visits to this site since i started in! i'm overcome with emulsion....thanks so much for your interest and and best wishes, jellybean.

1 comment:

  1. hiya -- don't forget to touch base with your pals at Beating Bowel Cancer, and you will soon be in the position of counselling newbies as you are turning into an expert yourself! All the best, Suze
